: ..,
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. : 0421000023\0078
: 31
: 2010
: .., . . / . 31. .: , 2010. .6-34.
: , , , - , , SWOT- (),
(.): ill-structured situation, cognitive map, formalization, risks due to human factors, conceptual structurization of expert knowledge, SWOT-scheme, scenarios
: () () . , , , ( ) . (SWOT, PEST ) . SWOT-, , , , - . , SWOT-.
(.): In the analysis of ill-structured situation (SS), the principal is to identify and study has disputed factors, the impact of which only experts express assumption. The article provides the method for selecting the important factors based on SWOT-schemes and the construction of scenarios analysis of the situation, knowledge of which are presented in the form of formal cognitive maps.
: 5701, : 2370, : 16.