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. : 0421000023\0059
: 30.1
: 2010
: .. . / . 30.1 " ". .: , 2010. .371-410.
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(.): formal cognitive map, verification, multidisciplinary model
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(.): To reduce impact of human-induced risk in simulation of situations on the basis of formal cognitive maps the expert approach is suggested to verification of cognitive maps, map-based models of situations and simulation results. The main components of the scientific and methodological support for the technological task of expertverification are considered. An original multidisciplinary model of the cognitive process of expert validation is proposed, combining concepts and ideas of cognitive science with computer metaphor of the system interruptions. The model is designed for the integrated development of theoretical means and tools to support expert verification. Practical capabilities of expert verification of cognitive maps and proposed approaches to its instrumental support are shown on the well-known example of the applied cognitive map and results of its simulation.
: 6050, : 1815, : 10.