:  ..
. :  0421000023\0041
:  30.1
:  2010
:  .. / . 30.1 " ". .: , 2010. .62-75.
:   , , , , ,
(.):  mathematical modeling, graph theory, binary relations, expert technologies, managerial processes, controlling
:   , , , . , 0 1, . . . , .
(.):  Use of various sorts of graphs is considered for modeling managerial processes in industry organizations (in particular, for optimization on graphs, and in expert technologies). Conformities of graphs are considered with the other classes of non-numerical mathematical objects binary relations, binary matrices, pair-wise comparison results. Our earlier discrepancy of the analysis of pair-wise comparisons is corrected. The role of ljusians is shown in concordance testing of expert opinions and classification of expert estimations. Graph theory is widely used in industry; in particular, it is an important component of mathematical toolkit of controlling and management of high technologies.


: 6012, : 2691, : 10.

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