:   ..
. :  0421000023\0034
:  30
:   -
:  2010
:   .. / . 30. .: , 2010. .135-149.
:   , , , , , ,
(.):  dynamic model, mathematical modelling, innovative enterprise, leasing, crediting, bankruptcy, venture financing
:   , , . , , ( , , ..), , , .
(.):  We construct a discrete mathematical model of financial and material flows of the company at the stage of production and marketing of innovative products, taking into account various financing options that include leasing and bank credit. The proposed model allows to take into account the processes of functioning of innovative enterprises in sufficient detail, including material, financial, and information flows (the date of raw materials shipment, the date of credit and leasing payments, taxes, etc.), and, compared to similar existing models, allows estimating the impact of a wide range of factors on the financial results of the enterprise under different venture financing options.


: 6434, : 2629, : 19.

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