:   .., ..
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. :  0421000023\0029
:  30
:  2010
:   .., .. - / . 30. .: , 2010. .67-78.
:  , - , , , , , ,
(.):  graph dynamics, discrete-continuous model, factor, action, logical condition for transaction triggering of action graph, external and internal event, indicator logics, time analysis
:   : , , . . , . . - , .
(.):  An integrated model of large systems evolution is suggested. The model consists of two interoperating dynamic network-based submodels: the factors graph with continuous-time factors dynamics, and the actions graph with discrete-time actions dynamics. This combination allows improving the level of adequacy to the real systems compared to the purely discrete model. Time dependency of factors is described in terms of polynomial functions which reveal the interrelation of factors. Action graphs functioning mechanism is improved. A graphical method for the temporal analysis of dynamics in discrete-continuous models is proposed which contributes to the tools for large systems simulation.


: 5903, : 25507, : 30.

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