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. : 0421000023\0021
: 29
: 2010
: . ., . ., . . / . 29. .: , 2010. .167-183.
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(.): hydrodynamic model, filtration, collecting pipelines
: () (, .. , , ) . - , , () . , () - - .
(.): We consider the problems of development of integrated mathematical models for stratum fluids filtration and gas-liquid mixtures flows (i.e. oil, natural gas, and water) in oil and gas collecting systems. The modeling process consists of finding the generalized solution for the system of equations that describe real physical processes in oil and gas strata, shafts, and on-ground collecting pipelines. We propose and study the methods to solve nonlinear al-gebraic equations systems obtained from the space-time approximation of the initial boundary problems of the considered class.
: 6397, : 2116, : 21.