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. : 04200900023/0055
: 27
: 2009
: . . : / . 27. .: , 2009. .18-35.
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(.): acquisition of information centre, scientific journal rating, collective expert examination, lexicographic ordering
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(.): The technique of gathering and aggregation of expert estimations for the expert rating construction for scientific journals in natural and technical sciences is described. One of the distinctive features of scientific journal is its multidisciplinary character that demands estimations from the experts in various scientific fields. Another feature is that each expert estimates the set of journals; therefore a matrix of expert estimations turns out to be incomplete. Thus, an approach is offered to this problem that differs from the typical process of expert estimation where each expert estimates each object, and all experts have expertise in the same subject area.
: 6935, : 2640, : 19.
© 2007.
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