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. : 04200900023/0005
: 24
: 2009
: . ., . . / . 24. .: , 2009. .99-111.
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(.): quality management, quality estimation, e-learning, adaptive learning systems
: . . , , . , . QuAdS. . , .
(.): Existing approaches to e-learning systems quality estimation are analyzed. The layered approach for e-learning systems quality estimation enhanced with learning process modeling and simulation is presented. The method of quality estimation using learning process modeling and quality criteria are suggested. The learning process model based on extended colored stochastic Petri net is described. The method was implemented in the automated system of e-learning systems QuAdS quality estimation. Results of approbation of the method developed and quality criteria are presented. We argue that using learning process modeling for quality estimation simplifies identifying lacks of an e-learning system for an expert.
: 7151, : 2008, : 9.