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. : 04200900023/0003
: 24
: 2009
: . ., . . - / . 24. .: , 2009. .34-80.
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(.): tracking, decomposition, external disturbances, state observers on sliding modes.
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(.): Structural properties of linear multidimensional dynamic systems under effect of external disturbances are analyzed in tracking problem on output values. Only output variables are supposed to be measured, components of external distributions are assumed to be unknown non-smooth limited functions of time. The step-by-step transformation procedure of source linear system to joint controllability and observability block form relating to output values is developed. On the basis of the given form decomposition feedback synthesis procedure is presented that provides convergence of output variables to program trajectory with predetermined asymptotic convergence rates. The problem of information support for compositing control algorithms is solved by state observer on sliding modes.
: 6504, : 1669, : 6.