:  Amaya Kenichi, Dewatripont M, Holmstrom B
:  2003
:  Bengt Holmstrom, Mathias Dewatripont, Kenichi Amaya. , MIT, 2003
:   , mechanizm design, . .
1. Mechanism design and adverse selection
1.1 Static adverse selection
1.2 Mechanism design
2. Dynamic agency
2.1 Dynamic moral hazard
2.2 Dynamic adverse selection
2.3 Self-enforcing agreements and learning
3. Politics: representation, accountability and bureaucracy
4. Internal vs. external capital markets
5. Behavioral models of contracting
6. Foundations of Incomplete Contracts
7. Internal Organization and Authority
7.1. Incentive approaches
7.2. Other approaches
8. Topics in adverse selection: multidimensional screening and competitive screening
9. Collusion, Cooperation and Hierarchies
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