:   .., .., .., ..
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:  2024
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:  110
:   .., .., .., : // . 110. .: , 2024. .235-265. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2024.110.9
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:  : , , , , , , , , , , , , , big data
(.):  mathematical model, management, criteria, decision-making, optimization, forecasting, indicator, rating, parameter identification, complex model, large-scale systems, data analysis, data processing, big data
:   . . , , , , . . , . . - , . . . . ( ) . , . . .
(.):  In today's digital economy development, rating is becoming one of the main tools for assessing the growth and development of organizations. It is based on the analysis of a set of financial and non-financial indicators of their activities in the interests of forecasting potential trends in their development in the future. Examples include competitiveness, doing business, innovation rating, credit rating, investment attractiveness rating. High positions of enterprises according to these ratings mainly indicate their successful development. At the same time, rating is playing an increasingly important role, focused on direct support for managerial economic decision-making. An urgent problem of improving rating methods is the search for criteria for assessing the ability of enterprises to mobilize their resources to obtain the effect of return on investment in their development. This study aimed at developing a theoretical and methodological approach to rating organizations as the most important subjects of economic activity that form the country's GDP. The article considers the problem of determining investment points. The authors introduce a generalizing economic indicator called the "power" of the organization, and the methodology for calculating it. Actual data demonstrate the relationship between the "power" indicator and the value of the indicators of investment (invested capital) and income. The authors show that for the largest organizations in the country, the component of assets plays a decisive role. The subproblem of the influence of the indicator under consideration on investment resources is considered. Calculations carried out on the basis of open data of Russian organizations of the Federal Tax Service of Russia illustrate the proposed methodology.


: 337, : 76, : 6.

© 2007.