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:  2023
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:  106
:   .. - // . 106. .: , 2023. .246-270. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2023.106.9
:   , , -, ,
(.):  overhead crane, control system, PD-regulator, qualitative indicators of control, robustness
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(.):  Control of overhead crane trolley is considered in task of cargo movement along one horizontal axis to specified point with damping of angular oscillations and possibility of parry of external disturbances, for example, wind ones with provision of specified quality characteristics. It is assumed that the crane is equipped with a servo motor capable of quickly tracking the specified speed of movement of the trolley. This corresponds to the use of modern asynchronous servo motors. An automated control system is considered, which assumes the presence of a crane operator. It is proposed to build a PD-regulator, which forms the specified speed of the trolley. It is built on the basis of a linearized single-pendulum model of cargo movement depending on the speed of the trolley. Includes proportional part by error of linear movement of crane bogie and differential part by angle of suspension deviation from vertical with low-frequency filtration. The justification of the synthesis of the parameters of the PD-regulator is proposed in stages, by considering four of its options. The peculiarity of the PD-regulator parameters selection is that all of them are based on the passport data of the crane and the drive, on the specified qualitative parameters of the transient process, as well as at the distance of cargo movement. The closed-loop control system at a fixed setting has robust properties in a very wide range of variations in crane and cargo parameters, covering the possible modes of crane use in practice, is able to counteract external disturbances. The results of model studies are presented.


: 652, : 284, : 138.

© 2007.