:   .., .., .
:   MPC- -
:  2018
:   ..
:  75
:   .., .., . MPC- - // . 75. .: , 2018. .50-75. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2018.75.3
:   , -, ,
(.):  automatic control system, PID controller, fuzzy logic controller, model predictive control
:   , . , , , . , - . . , (Model Predictive Control). - - . . , . .
(.):  Currently in the industry, at any stage of production process there is a high level of automation. As a rule, the majority of technological processes, occurring today in the industry, are non-stationary control objects. In order to improve the efficiency of automatic control system of non-stationary control object, researchers around the world, doing research, trying to combine the standard PID regulator with fuzzy adaptive controller. As a rule, setting a fuzzy controller is made based ontheMamdani controller. Also, recently, for the control of non-stationary control object are widely used controllers on the basis of a predictive model. The purpose of this paper is the comparative analysis of automatic control systems with PID regulator based on fuzzy logic and regulator on the basis of a predictive model (MPC-controller). In the course of research, stepwise disturbance of a certain amplitude and duration were applied to the control object. As a result, transient processes were obtained and quality indicators were determined. By comparing and analyzing the results obtained, a conclusion was made about the advantages of one controller over another.


: 2879, : 971, : 16.

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