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:  2017
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:  65
:   .. - / . 65. .: , 2017. .118-152. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2017.65.6
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(.):  integrated models, system optimization, simulation, enterprise production and economic activity.
:   , / , . , - .
(.):  A set of models with increasing complexity is considered for enterprise multicriteria decision-making. Agents make rational decisions on the volume of production, attraction / placement of borrowed funds, investments in improving the efficiency and in the increasing of productive capacities. These models illustrate the approach of integrated modeling and system optimization to economic applications. The results of simulations are given, prospects for the development and application of the system optimization techniques to the modeling of production and economic activities of enterprises are discussed.


: 4384, : 1806, : 24.

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