:   . .
:  2012
:   ..
:  36
:   . . / . 36. .: , 2012. .81-92.
:   , , , , , , .
(.):  multi-agent systems, decentralized control, consensus, Laplacian matrix, Kirchhoff matrix, DeGroot model, control
:   , . , , , , .
(.):  This paper is devoted to consensus problems in continuous multi-agent systems whose corresponding Kirchhoff matrix is diagonalizable and 0 is a simple eigenvalue of L. It is proved that the limiting matrix of the solution of the system of linear differential equations satisfying the initial condition is a eigenprojection of the Kirchhoff matrix L, which also determines and is defined the region of convergence to consensus of the DeGroot algorithm.


: 4833, : 1661, : 10.

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