: . .
: ,
: 2011
: ..
: 34
: . . , / . 34. .: , 2011. .46-61.
. : 0421100023\0027
: , , , , , , -,
(.): multi-agent systems, decentralized control, communication digraph, consensus, Laplacian matrix, Kirchhoff matrix, DeGroot model, control
: , G . , G Gh, G .
, , G, Gh .
(.): This paper is devoted to consensus problems in discrete multi-agent systems whose communication digraphs consist of disjoint strong components. It is shown that any block in the power limit of a decomposable and aperiodic influence matrix P of a digraph G is proportional to the corresponding block in the power limit of the influence matrix of the digraph Gh obtained from G by combining the strong components by means of a minimal cycle. It is proved that for some arc weights in this minimal cycle, the power limit of the influence matrix of Gh coincides with the resulting matrix of the orthogonal projection procedure applied to G.
: 5176, : 1864, : 15.
© 2007.
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