:   . .
:  2011
:   ..
:  33
:   . . / . 33. .: , 2011. .35-69.
. :  0421100023\0015
:  , , ,
(.):  identifier, recursive estimation, predictive model, singular perturbation
:   () . . , .
(.):  The paper overviews the literature on predictive model-based adaptive control systems with identifier (ASI) for discrete objects with parametric and nonparametric uncertainties. It focuses on the relationship between the spectral characteristics of external perturbations and maximum achievable control performance as well as identifier speed. A class of stationary external perturbations with the known spectrum localization is established with the solvable problem of synthesizing the systems of prescribed control precision subject to the criterion of minimum steady-state response variance. The sensitivity of the control system to variations of the spectral composition of disturbances is investigated.


: 5505, : 2538, : 14.

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