: Goubko M. V.
: Algorithms to Construct Suboptimal Organization Hierarchies
( ): MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
: 2009
: ..
: Automation and Remote Control
() : 1
: 70
: Goubko (Gubko) M. V. Algorithms to Construct Suboptimal Organization Hierarchies // Automation and Remote Control. V. 70, No 1, pp 147-162, 2009. (translation from Russian)
: The problem of controlling an organization structure (hierarchy of organization control) was considered as that of discrete optimization, that is, minimization by selecting the permissible hierarchy of total costs of maintaining its managers. For the case of the so-called uniform functions of manager costs, the lower estimate of the costs of the optimal hierarchy was obtained allowing one, besides all other things, to determine approximately the main characteristics of the optimal hierarchy such as the number of managers, their norm of controllability, and so on. Quality of this lower estimate was studied, and effective algorithms to construct suboptimal hierarchies with costs slightly exceeding the optimal ones were proposed for some important cases.
PACS number 89.75.Fb
Original Russian Text M.V. Gubko, 2009, published in Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 2009, No. 1, pp. 162179.
This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 07-07-00078-a.
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