: Goubko M. V.
: Structure of the Optimal Organization of a Continuum of Executives
( ): MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
: 2002
: ..
: Automation and Remote Control
() : 12
: 63
: Goubko (Gubko) M. V. Structure of the Optimal Organization of a Continuum of Executives // Automation and Remote Control. V. 63, No 12, pp 1966-1979, 2002. (translation from Russian)
: The problem of designing the optimal structure of an organization was considered as that of determining a graph with the minimum cost of a group of executives realizing the given functions. Design of the optimal organizational structure of a continuum of executives was considered. The cost of the optimal organizational tree of one function was determined. The notion of ideally coordinated collection of functions for which determination of the optimal structure is substantially simpler was introduced.
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