:   . ., . .
:  2009
:   ..
:  26
:   .., .. / . 26. .: , 2009. .113-145.
. :  04200900023/0033
:   , , ,
(.):  unmanned aerial vehicle, adaptive control, shunting method, parameter identification, sliding mode
:   . , (""), , . . .
(.):  The problem of adaptive control for lateral angular motion of unmanned aerial vehicle for the cases of tracking the yaw reference signal and homing guidance is considered. The combined adaptive controller, including the parallel feedforward compensator ("shunt''), parameter estimator, variable structure controller and the adjustable sequential reference model is proposed. Design technique is demonstrated by the typical atmospheric aerial vehicle model. The numerical example of flight control for multiple-mode aerial vehicle is presented.


: 8166, : 3538, : 4.

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