:   . .
:  2009
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:  26
:   . . / . 26. .: , 2009. .81-101.
. :  04200900023/0031
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:   , , , , , , ,
(.):  hierarchical system, regional principal, producing units, perfect coordination, optimality conditions, resource price, quotas, penalties
:   n . (). , . , , , , .
(.):  Two-level hierarchical system with the single principal and several agents is examined. Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for the principal are obtained. An example of regional model of rational natural resources use is studied; the cases are revealed when necessary optimality conditions for the regional principal become necessary and sufficient. Various ways of achieving the perfect coordination in the hierarchical system by means of resource prices, quotas, penalties assignment, enterprises finances regulation are presented.


: 6965, : 1441, : 4.

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