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(.):  synthesis of systems with maximal degree of stability, optimal on degree of stability solutions
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Alexander M. Shubladze, Institute of Control Sciences of RAS, Moscow, Cand.Sc., professor (shub@ipu.rssi.ru).
Vladimir E. Popad'ko, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, professor, dean (Moscow, Lenin's Ave, 65, (495) 930-92-25).
Anna A. Yakusheva, student (yakusheva_a@mail.ru).
Sergey I. Kuznecov, (SRITeplopribor, (495) 999-18-16).

Synthesis of control systems by criterion of the maximum degree of stability for PID is considered. Solutions with optimal degree of stability had been obtained. These solutions enable us to find further prospects of computer based development of control systems.


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