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:  112
:  2024
:   .., .., .. , // . - 2024. - . 112. - .338-356.
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(.):  visual environment imitator, components of the pilot's cognitive model
:   , . , , . -- , 3D- , , 3D- , 3D- . , 3D- , , 3D-, 3D- 3D- 3D- . 3D- , , , .
(.):  An aviation simulator is a complex of several imitators combined for the purpose of training pilots in professional piloting and aircraft navigation skills in training situations. The purpose of flights on an aviation simulator is to form in pilots the components of its cognitive model, which will allow them to successfully operate in normal and pre-emergency situations in the future. Of all the imitators of an aviation simulator, the ergatic optical-software-hardware imitator stands out, synthesizing for the pilot a visually observable 3D-model of the external environment with a quality sufficient for solving navigation problems, including the use of the eye to estimate the distance to visible 3D-models of reference objects, from which a 3D-model of a given flight area is collected. This task is divided into a number of subtasks including the construction of 3D-models of reference objects, their description and placement in the database of a computer image generator, the selection of a 3D-indicator, and training the pilot to see 3D-objects while he sees a video sequence of 3D-projections of 3D-models of reference objects. The article analyzes visual environment imitators and 3D-indicators from the point of view of the formation of constantly updated components of the pilot's cognitive model during both real approaches to an aircraft and flights on flight simulators, allowing him to successfully pilot an aircraft and solve navigation problems both "during flights in continuous cloud cover" and during flights with visual observation of reference objects in order to determine the location of the aircraft model and the direction of its flight.


: 230, : 25, : 11.

© 2007.