: ..,
: 112
: 2024
: .., .., .., // . - 2024. - . 112. - .233-256.
: , , , ,
(.): collaborative robotic system, human-robot interaction, task allocation, technological process, optimization
: ( , ). . , (). , . . , . , ( , ) ( ), . , .
(.): The paper describes the results of a series of experiments for the problems of forming an optimal composition of performers, and minimizing the execution time of the tasks in the technological process (three cases for each problem). Criteria of the efficiency of task allocation and work distribution among the participants and human-robot collaboration are presented. An overview of computational experiments of other authors on task allocation and work distribution in multi-agent and collaborative robotic systems (CRS) is shown. Qualitative comparative analysis of the results obtained from the experiments, and their evaluation based on the established criteria are given. The analysis shows comparable results of the authors solutions compared to the reviewed works. The authors statement of the problem of task allocation and work distribution in CRS compared to other sources has complexity. In particular, when selecting optimal composition of the performers, minimizing tasks/technological process execution time or costs, the results are verified to ensure that people and robots always collaborate. The degree of engagement of each participant is monitored. In addition, when optimal number of people and cobots from the CRS is chosen, the feasibility of the technological process for the calculated composition is also checked.
: 100, : 119, : 102.