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:  112
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:  2024
:   .., .. , . // . - 2024. - . 112. - .129-167.
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(.):  non-stationary processes, time series, forecasting, judgments
:   , . , , - . , , . , (, , ) . , . , .
(.):  The review covers the main directions and approaches to integration forecasting of non-stationary processes represented by time series. The key source of non-stationarity generation is rapid and poorly predictable changes in the external environment, under the influence of which structural shifts occur in the complex economic and socio-political processes. The solution of problems of forecasting the dynamics of such objects in the context of improving the accuracy of the forecast becomes more complex as the forecast horizon increases. It determines the need for models and methods capable of processing heterogeneous information. Integration methods are methods that allow, along with quantitative data, to take into account judgments (of forecasters, experts, analysts) and information from heterogeneous information sources at different stages of problem solving, and thus directly or indirectly include them in the forecast being formed. The development of such methods is aimed at increasing the accuracy of the forecast through the use of all available information about the forecasting object, including data on endogenic and exogenic factors of influence on it. The review focused on the current state of integration forecasting, on the existing problems and ways to solve them.


: 74, : 34, : 14.

© 2007.