:   .., ..
:  106
:   -
:  2023
:   .., .. // . 106. .: , 2023. .184-217. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2023.106.7
:   , , , micro smart grid,
(.):  energy consumption optimization, optimal energy consumption scheduling, renewable energy sources, micro smart grid, linear programming
:   , , . , . . , , , . , , . - . , .
(.):  This paper considers the energy consumption optimization for an enterprise using both the centralized power grid, local generators and energy storage systems. To solve this problem, the authors suggest a heuristic algorithm for the energy consumption optimization of an enterprise, including the solution of a linear programming problem. To reduce the risks of significant discrepancies between the scheduled and actual power consumption profiles, one can use the optimal energy consumption scheduling algorithm with a moving scheduling horizon. The optimal energy consumption scheduling problem solved in this paper has additional restrictions that can result in the smoothing of the optimal power consumption profile of the enterprise, provided the power of local generators and storage devices is enough. This facilitates the implementation of such energy consumption profile of the enterprise, since it does not require a sharp change in operating modes, reconfiguration of equipment and changes in the intensity of work of enterprise personnel. The heuristic algorithm proposed by the authors makes it possible to implement additional conditions, and, at the same time, avoid reducing the optimal energy consumption scheduling problem of the enterprise to a linear-integer optimization problem. This article provides an example of energy consumption optimization for a small enterprise featuring two power consumers, as well as various local generators and power storage devices.


: 616, : 128, : 11.

© 2007.