: ..
: 101
: 2023
: .. // . 101. .: , 2023. .140-157. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2023.101.8
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(.): spacecraft, space complex, emergency situation, diagnostics, decision support system, interface
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(.): The specifics of the work of duty shift specialists and the role of means of displaying information about the processes occurring in the space complex on decision-making on the control of spacecraft as part of the Earth's remote sensing orbital constellation are described. The task was set to develop a graphical interface project as an element of a decision support system for the on-duty shift of spacecraft control, consisting of specialists from space complex enterprises. The principles of separating service information, which are operated by shift shift specialists, into categories based on the nature of its sources, as well as a mechanism for displaying this information in real time using a graphical interface, in order to reduce the time spent on identifying the situation of abnormal operation of the ground and/or on-board software and hardware in the conditions of a limited time of a communication session with the spacecraft. The key feature of the proposed graphical interface is the "spacecraft state vector" - a method for displaying telemetry data of the elements of the spacecraft subsystems necessary to register an emergency situation on board the spacecraft and search for a strategy to stop / eliminate its consequences by ensuring functional stability - the ability of the system to save and / or restore the functions assigned to it.
: 749, : 222, : 6.