: ..
: 95
: 2022
: .. // . 95. .: , 2022. .101-118. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2022.95.6
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(.): wheeled robot, path following stabilization, dynamic differentiator, invariance, decomposition
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(.): In the framework of the cascade approach to state observers design for dynamic objects under the influence of external uncontrollable disturbances, a method for or reconstructing the derivatives of any desired order of a deterministic time function from its current values, which does not require knowledge of the analytical form of the function and numerical differentiation, is proposed. Assuming that the function is piecewise smooth and its derivatives are bounded by known constants, a virtual dynamic model of canonical form with an unknown input is introduced. On the basis of this model, whose order depends on the order of the derivatives to be recovered, a dynamic differentiator is constructed in the form of a state observer with piecewise linear corrective actions. In this paper, the above designs are demonstrated on the example of a control system for a wheeled robot. An nonlinear control law that stabilizes the motion of the platform along an admissible curvilinear trajectory is used to synthesize the feedback. The current information about the state variables of the control plant model, the setting influences and their first- and second-order derivatives is required to implement the feedback in the problem of track stabilization.
: 1449, : 326, : 12.