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: 94
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: 2021
: .. // . 94. .: , 2021. .95-115. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2021.94.5
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(.): measurement scale, resulting scale, expert probability
: . . . , . - , () .
(.): When solving multi-criteria problems for the correct application of the additive integral aggregation mechanism, the problem arises of converting the initial estimates of objects in ordinal measurement scales, taking into account their expert probability, into point estimates of the resulting difference scale. The essence of the method of transition from the initial estimates of objects in ordinal scales, taking into account their expert probability, initially reduces to the transition of estimates in the point scale to interval gradations of the division of the intermediate quantitative scale. Then, taking into account the subjective probability, a transition is made to a point estimate on the interval of splitting the resulting difference scale. The article proves that the proposed approach ensures the preservation of the ordering of objects in the initial and resulting scales. The idea of the method is shown by the example of solving the problem of multi-criteria evaluation of the value of information and analytical materials, the initial estimates of which are presented in point gradations and the corresponding subjective (expert) probability.
: 1442, : 377, : 18.