:   ..
:   : ViSE
:  94
:   -
:  2021
:   .. : ViSE // . 94. .: , 2021. .66-94. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2021.94.4
:   , , , , , homines economici, ,
(.):  social dynamics, voting, cooperation, liberalism, stochastic environment, homines economici, voting threshold, evolutionary scenarios
:   ViSE , . , . , , , . . - . , , , . . .
(.):  Under the assumptions of the ViSE model, we consider societies consisting of a group and egoists. Scenarios of the evolution of society due to changes in its structure and voting threshold in the interests of the participants are studied, provided that a Gaussian proposal generator is used. It is shown that for non-trivial societies there are scenarios that lead to the formation of an open group, whose size allows it to make monopoly decisions through voting. On the other hand, there are no trajectories traversed on the initiative of the participants from societies with a non-singleton group to societies consisting of egoists. A mafia type group never lets go of those who want to leave it. In societies whose decision procedure is close to the majority, the mechanism of snowball of cooperation is implemented, while in the most liberal and most conservative societies the mechanism of consecutive atomization dominates. Open and democratic groups admit cyclic evolutionary scenarios. In unfavorable environments, it is rational to strengthen conservatism.


: 1508, : 307, : 7.

© 2007.