: ..,
: 92
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: 2021
: .., .., .. // . 92. .: , 2021. .43-63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2021.92.3
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(.): pattern, pattern analysis, energy sustainability, cluster analysis
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(.): The study is devoted to the application of ordinal-fixed and ordinal-invariant pattern clustering to study the structure of the energy sector in regions of Russian Federation over a five-year period. Methods for pattern analysis in the work are due to the independence of the final results from the difference in the absolute values ??of indicators and the possibility of combining regions that are similar in structure (based on the indicators under consideration). The choice of ordinal-invariant pattern clustering is due to both the endogenous determination of not only the composition of each pattern, but their number, and the lack of the need to choose the initial sequence of the studied indicators, to which some methods of pattern analysis are sensitive. The study was carried out on the basis of such indicators as: a decrease in the level of electricity losses in the networks, the electric power supply of workers, the volume of electricity produced, specific fuel consumption, the cost of services for technological connection, as well as the number of actual connections. As a result of the study, the features of the energy development of individual subjects were studied. The development patterns were obtained, reflecting the similarity of the internal data structure. Dynamic trajectories of development have been built and groups of subjects have been identified that adhere to a constant strategy from year to year. The above results can be taken into account in the development of state policy in the field of energy efficiency.
: 1666, : 621, : 11.