:   ..
:   -
:  78
:  2019
:   .. - // . 78. .: , 2019. .71-105. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2019.78.4
:   , , -,
(.):  adaptive control, disturbances rejection, PI-controller, heating plants
:   , . . ( ) - ( ) , , 40/1200. 18,8%?28,4% -. - .
(.):  The scope of this research is to develop a modified version of previously proposed PI-controller neural tuner. Its rule base is improved. The new version is to be able to reject disturbances acting on heating furnaces at a steady-state mode. The following types of disturbances of limited amplitude are considered to be attenuated by the tuner step and pulse disturbances acting the plant output signal, step and pulse disturbances acting the control action signal. The problem of appropriateness of KI parameter adjustment during the disturbance attenuation is considered for all mentioned above types of disturbances. Experiments are conducted using a muffle electroheating furnace SNOL 40/1200. Having analyzed the obtained results, the conclusion could be made that the most appropriate disturbance to adjust KI is the step one acting the control action signal, but the best course of action is to adjust this parameter for all types of disturbances. The tuner application allowed to reduce the disturbances rejection time by 18,8% ? 28,4% comparing to a conventional PI-controller.


: 2460, : 1326, : 16.

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