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: 76
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: 2018
: .., .., .. // . 76. .: , 2018. .26-68. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2018.76.2
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(.): cognitive mapping, multisubject situation, stakeholder, control decisions validity, reflexive approach, reflexive cognitive maps
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(.): A reflexive approach to analysis of control decisions validity on the solutions of problematic situations with many stakeholders is developed, which generalizes the practice of such analysis. The approach is based on the cognitive maps use of special kinds, which are called reflexive due to the reflection processes stimulation and various verification methods that use reflection. The approach is implemented in the form a technique adapted to different statement of control tasks. The technique is supported by the languages of reflexive maps and graph-analytical methods and techniques of analysis, which are implemented in the author's technology of cognitive mapping. The technique efficiency is demonstrated in two applied examples, which differ by the statement of control tasks. Some directions of the further development of the approach are determined.
: 2598, : 874, : 18.