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: 75
: 2018
: .. // . 75. .: , 2018. .6-29. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2018.75.1
: , , ,
(.): model of movement, model of communication system, cellular automaton, scheduling theory
: , ~ . , , . . . . , , . . , , . , -- . . . . .
(.): We construct a model of message delays in the mobile communication network of agents. In the model, the connectivity and types of channels between agents change over time. Agents move around the terrain, on which there are obstacles of various impassability that impede communication between agents in various degree. We use a cellular automaton model for the movement of agents along the terrain. Agents are the vertices of the communication graph. Each agent owns a set of communication devices. The edges of the communication graph are the communication channels organized by communication devices of agents located at the vertices of the graph. Channels of different types have a different limiting range and permissible height of obstacles between agents. If there is an obstacle between agents that excludes communication on the existing communication channel, the communication channel is changed to the more suitable one, taking into account the capabilities of the agents. Each agent has a message schedule, and each communication channel has the maximum bandwidth. When sending messages by several agents simultaneously using one communication channel, the reduction in the capacity of this channel is taken into account. We also consider the relaying of a message by a chain of agents. We simulate a traffic dynamic in telecommunication channels of the system with agents motion and possible channel breaks and changes. Further, we discuss different ways of the model's application.
: 2913, : 2900, : 15.