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:  73
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:  2018
:   .. - // . 73. .: , 2018. .134-156. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2018.73.7
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(.):  control of the pension system, actuarial basis, forecast of the level of the budget balance of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
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(.):  The author describes how to build a dynamic actuarial balance model of the distribution component of the budget of the Pension Fund. The author offers a long-term forecast of the level of balance of contributions and benefits (associated with the formation of the insurance part of the labour old-age pension) which is based on the construction of actuarial models and analysis of statistical data. In the course of the study, the control actions on the parameters of the actuarial basis are analyzed, which allow reducing the level of the emerging budget deficit of the Russian Federation Pension Fund in the long-term period.


: 2885, : 990, : 12.

© 2007.