:   . ., . ., . ., . ., . ., . .
:  62
:   -
:  2016
:   . ., . ., . ., / . 62. .: , 2016. .169-187.
:   , , , homines economici, .
(.):  social dynamics, voting, stochastic environment, homines economici, optimal majority threshold.
:   , ( ViSE), , - (). . , .
(.):  We consider the model of social dynamics determined by collective decisions in a stochastic environment (ViSE model). In the paper we investigate the case of a homogeneous society consisting of classically rational economic agents (or homines economici, or egoists). Alternatives generated by the environment are random vectors of utility increments for each agent. Increments can be positive or negative. An agent votes for those alternatives which increase her utility. An alternative which has gained more votes than the given majority threshold is accepted and all agents receive corresponding increments to their utilities. Expressions for the optimal majority threshold and the maximum expected utility increment as a function of the parameters of the environment are obtained. An estimate of the rate of change of the optimal threshold at zero is given and this value is an absolute constant.


: 3281, : 1162, : 16.

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