:   . ., . ., . ., . ., . .
:   PLM
:  59
:  2016
:   . ., . ., . ., PLM / . 59. .: , 2016. .45-71.
:  PLM-, PLM-, , , , PLM-.
(.):  PLM-system, PLM-systems Framework, ontological and architectural models, quantitative models, huge hybrid models, PLM-superiority center.
:   , , , [11, 17]. [7] . , . , [5] , , . , , PLM-.
(.):  Standard enterprise architectures supported by standard methodologies provide support methods for organization and coordination of engineering projects of enterprise as a whole as well as enterprise entities or enterprise subsystems [11, 17]. In [7] Operation Systems Framework approach is suggested as a basis for enterprise engineering.
This approach sets a compact support engineering representation of enterprise operational organization and can be used with the necessary localization to the different entities and operation subsystems of the company. For example in [5] the engineering of Enterprise Management System and Management Systems Framework are considered. In this article engineering of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and the PLM-systems Framework are considered.


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