:   . ., . ., . .
:  58
:  2015
:   . ., . ., . . / . 58. .: , 2015. .306-342.
:   , , , , , , , , , k , , , LIAN, MultiLIAN.
(.):  unmanned vehicle, multirotor, quadrotor, navigation, intelligent control system, planning, path planning, path finding, alternative paths, k shortest paths, angle-constrained path planning, heuristic search
:   (). . , , . . .
(.):  We study alternative paths planning problem for an unmanned vehicle. It constitutes a key part of a bigger problem that of multi-agent path planning, i.e., finding a non-conflicting path set for a coalition of vehicles. We propose a new path-planning technique, which indirectly takes into account vehicle movement dynamics and guarantees feasibly of resulting paths. We also elaborate a number of extensions of the method proposed. We conduct an empirical study of all introduced algorithms by running the large number of experiments simulating nap-of-the-earth flight of a compact multirotor unmanned aerial vehicle in urban environment.


: 4048, : 1447, : 10.

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