:   . ., . ., . .
:   77
:  58
:  2015
:   . ., . ., . . 77 / . 58. .: , 2015. .90-114.
:   , 7 7, , , ,
(.):  digital systems, minimal quasicomplete graph by dimension 77, abonent, commutator, communication line, diagnosability.
:   (, ) () 7 7 . 7 7 . , , , .
(.):  An approach is suggested to estimate diagnosability of components (a terminal, a router, a communication line) of digital systems (DS) with the novel structure of minimal quasicomplete graph for 7 terminals and 7 routers with 2 paths between 2 terminals. The analysis of typical failures in the system allows proposing estimated component diagnosability metrics. It is shown that diagnosing techniques and methods used guarantee the correct diagnosis for no more than: two faulty terminals and two faulty routers, or one faulty terminal and three faulty routers, or two broken communication lines


: 3583, : 1269, : 15.

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