:   . ., . .
:  55
:  2015
:   . ., . . / . 55. .: , 2015. .185-223.
:   , , ,
(.):  green flows assignment, transportation network, Nash equilibrium, Wardrop equilibrium
:   . , - . . ( ), . .
(.):  Nowadays there is a lack of methodological tools for supporting decision makers in the sphere of motivation to use green vehicles by drivers and of available green capacity allocation. We study the problem of green and non-green traffic flow assignment in the network consisting of green and non-green routes. The analysis of competitive and cooperative frameworks is performed. We suggest an approach to green routes selection (defining the, so called, green subnetwork, which is fully loaded and provides smaller travel time for green vehicles under Wardrop and Nash traffic flow assignments). We also elicit explicit balancing conditions for the green subnetwork in case of parallel routes.


: 3740, : 888, : 7.

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