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:  52
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:  2014
:   . . "" / . 52. .: , 2014. .118-132.
:   , , -,
(.):  network schedule, activity-on-arrow schedule, zero-time activity
:   : - - ( ). - . , -, . - , , . . , .
(.):  There exist two basic types of project schedules: the "activity-on-node" schedules and activity-on-arrow ones. Transition from an "activity-on-arrow" schedule to the corresponding activity-on-node schedule is simple and unique, while the inverse transition, in general, is not unique and requires adding to the project fictive zero-time activities. We show that an "activity-on-arrow" schedule does not require zero-time activities, if lists of, so-called, supporting operations, either coincide or do not intersect. Otherwise we look for the lists being subsets of the others lists to minimize the number of zero-time activities being added to the schedule. The efficiency of the suggested method for minimization of the number of zero-time activities is verified for several important classes of test schedules, which include almost all elements met in typical projects.


: 3903, : 1518, : 10.

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