:   . .
. :  0421100023\0026
:  34
:  2011
:   . . / . 34. .: , 2011. .30-45.
:   , , , , , ,
(.):  multi-agent net, individual and collective functioning of agents, triad model of agent, syllable, syllable operations, indicator expression, indicator logical formula
:   , ( ), . ( ). . , .
(.):  An algebraic appliance is suggested which describe oriented graphs as a string of symbols appended with numbered vertical arrows (syllable language). This appliance is intended to represent a static component of a model of multiagent networks. A dynamic component of the model is described with algebraic indicator expressions based on recurrent equations (producing rules and Boolean algebra rules). Syllable operations are introduced. Considered individual and collective functioning of agents in multiagent networks, as well as interaction between agents.


: 5137, : 1831, : 15.

© 2007.