:   . ., . ., . .
:  --
. :  0421100023\0005
:  32
:   -
:  2011
:   . ., . ., . . -- / . 32. .: , 2011. .109-130.
:  -- , , , , -
(.):  socio-ecologo-economic model, optimal control, parallel algorithms, dynamic parallel programs, T-system
:   ( ) - . DSEEmodel 1.0, , - -- , . -- .
(.):  A general procedure of the approximate optimal control synthesis for socio-ecological-economic model of the region is developed. A set of programs DSEEmodel 1.0, which implements at the cluster computing devices parallel algorithms for scenario calculations, optimization and improvement of an approximate optimal control for socio-ecological-economic model to conduct multivariant calculations relating to the development of strategies for sustainable development in the region is created. In general, this is a new approach to the problem of situational control region by using supercomputers to implement full-scale socio-ecological-economic model.


: 6015, : 2107, : 7.

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