: . .
. : 0421000023\0108
: 31.13
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: 2010
: . . / . 31.1 " ". .: , 2010. .263-272.
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(.): generation function, minimax procedure, minisum procedure
: , .. . , Mathematica.
" . - 2009. - . 1. 4. - . 31-40".
(.): In this paper we consider the minimax and minisum procedures for electing committee. These procedures were proposed by S.F. Brams et al. We introduce the method of generating functions for these procedures. This method can be used for electing with a large number of candidates. The "Mathematica" symbolic calculus software can be used to implement our method.
Original text was published in "Mathematical game theory and applications, 2009. V. 1. No 4. P. 31-40".
: 5229, : 1403, : 15.