: . .
. : 0421000023\0103
: 31.8
: 2010
: . . / . 31.1 " ". .: , 2010. .141-161.
: , , ()
(.): coalition stability, Nash equilibrium, weak coalitional equilibrium (WCE)
: , ( , ). : , . . .
" . - 2010. - . 2. 2. - . 79-98".
(.): A model of coalition formation by players whose payoff depends on the value of the parameter (e.g., geographical location, bliss point) is considered. In this model a small portion of new players with the different payoff function is injected into the main population. This paper considers different types of coalition stability and corresponding stability criteria. The derived conditions are then compared with the similar criteria in the game with a single type of players.
Original text was published in "Mathematical game theory and applications, 2010. V. 2. No 2. P. 79-98".
: 5795, : 1390, : 13.