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. :  0421000023\0101
:  31.6
:  2010
:   . . . / . 31.1 " ". .: , 2010. .93-115.
:   , ,
(.):  differential games, simple motion, pursuit on the sphere
:   . , , , . .

" . - 2009. - . 1. 4. - . 41-62".
(.):  The two-person zero-sum differential simple pursuit game on the sphere is considered. The strategy of geodesic pursuit, having some properties of parallel pursuit strategy on the plane, is defined, the existence and uniqueness in general are proved. All special cases are considered. The fastest property of the geodesic pursuit strategy is proved.

Original text was published in "Mathematical game theory and applications, 2009. V. 1. No 4. P. 41-62".


: 5776, : 1386, : 5.

© 2007.