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. : 0421000023\0098
: 31.3
: 2010
: . ., . . - / . 31.1 " ". .: , 2010. .5-29.
: - , C-, () SC-, , - C-, ,
(.): TU-cooperative game, core, grand (shadow) subcore, root game, aggregate-monotonic core, linear programming, balanced collection of coalitions
: , - () SC- C- . SC- SC- - C- - C- SC-, SC-. , C- n . . .
" . - 2010. - . 2. 1. - . 3-26".
(.): It is shown that the base of the grand (shadow) subcore coincides with the core of the root game in any TU-cooperative game. Comparing the definitions of the grand subcore and the grand shadow subcore with the description of the aggregate-monotonic core leads to formal geometrical coincidence of the aggregate-monotonic core with either the grand subcore or the grand shadow subcore. The method for estimating the simplest set of equations and inequalities describing the core of a root game in a TU-game with any number of players (n > 3) is proposed. To develop the method the duality theory and an inductive method by B. Peleg are used.
Original text was published in "Mathematical game theory and applications, 2010. V. 2. No 1. P. 3-26".
: 5759, : 2099, : 10.