
: ..
. : 0421000023\0019
: 29
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: 2010
: .. / . 29. .: , 2010. .128-151.
: , , , , ,
(.): innovation project, management, decision-support system, algorithm, analysis, optimization
: , . , , . , , . . , .
(.): An approach to innovative projects management based on the projects integrated estimate is proposed. Specific methods and techniques applied depend upon the project and are determined by a subject domain and preferences of a decision-maker. The proposed approach aims to control the innovation project lifecycle by appropriate decisions and, thus, choices of the best alternatives during project execution. Strict limitations on the resources and permissible actions are typical for project management. The approach under consideration supports sustainable development of a single project or a group of projects, when wrong decisions are revealed at the very early stages, thus resulting in economy and better concentra-tion of resources on the most promising innovations.
: 5958, : 2428, : 14.
© 2007.
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