:   . .
. :  04200900023/0053
:  26.1
:   -
:  2009
:   . . / . 26.1. .: , 2009. .366-384.
:   , , , ,
(.):  dynamic games, bio-resource management problem, cooperative equilibrium, time-consistency, imputation distribution procedure
:   . , , , . , . . . , , .
(.):  The discrete-time game model for bio-resource management problem (fish catching) is considered. The center (referee) shares a reservoir between the competitors, and the players (countries) capture the fish. We assume that there is a migratory exchange between the regions of the reservoir. The Nash and cooperative equilibria are obtained for infinite planning horizon. Time-consistent imputation distribution procedure is considered as a method for cooperation maintenance. The new condition which offers an incentive to players to keep cooperation is introduced and called "incentive cooperative condition".


: 5983, : 1516, : 9.

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