: . .
. : 04200900023/0049
: 26.1
: -
: 2009
: . . / . 26.1. .: , 2009. .270-286.
: , , ,
(.): best-choice game, optimal strategy, multistage game, multiple stopping
: . : m . . , .
(.): We consider a full-information best-choice game in which each player wants to hire two secretaries. The aim of a player is to maximize the sum of expected applicant' quality values. Two models are considered: m-person best-choice game with the possibility for an applicant to refuse an offer and two-person best-choice game with dominant player. Optimal strategies are obtained. We prove that in the best-choice game with the possibility for an applicant to refuse an offer the players' payoffs don't depend on the total number of players in the game.
: 5960, : 1399, : 10.